SUMO/ Shishi becomes first Ukrainian rikishi in sport’s top division_スポーツ の 力 と は
SUMO/ Shishi becomes first Ukrainian rikishi in sport’s top division
October 29,スポーツ の 力 と は 2024 at 17:44 JST
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Shihi, left, shows off the latest wrestler rankings on Oct. 28 in Fukuoka after he was promoted to the top makuuchi division. (Kensuke Suzuki)
In a historic moment for Ukraine and the traditional sport of sumo, Shishi has become the first Ukrainian wrestler to grapple his way to the top makuuchi division.
“I’m so happy, I’m going to call my mom,” said the 27-year-old rikishi on Oct. 28 after the latest rankings of wrestlers were released ahead of the Kyushu Grand Sumo Tournament, which starts Nov. 10.
Despite his imposing physique–standing 193 centimeters tall and weighing 171 kilograms–Shishi's ascent to the makuuchi division has been gradual.
It took him four and a half years from entering the sport to achieving the prestigious status.
His coach, stablemaster Ikazuchi, chuckled, saying, “It was slow, given his talent.”
Born Serhii Sokolovskyi in Melitopol, southern Ukraine, Shishi started wrestling at a young age and switched to sumo at 15.
He made his debut in Japan in the spring tournament of 2020.
Two years later, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began, with Melitopol coming under Russian control.
As fierce fighting raged around the city, Shishi was unable to return home and relied on nightly video calls with his mother to stay connected.
Struggling to adapt to the Japanese language and culture during his first years in the country, Shishi often found himself alone in parks during his free time.
"I think he felt lonely," said Ikazuchi. "I tried to spend more time with him and told him he was part of the family."
Gradually, Shishi began to open up.
Now, Shishi spends most of his free time at Ikazuchi's home, helping with paperwork and playing with his stablemaster's children, whom he affectionately calls "brother" and "sister."
Since he began his sumo career in Japan, Shishi has been sending money home to his parents even during his days as a lower-ranked wrestler when his earnings were modest.
After his significant promotion, Shishi expressed his gratitude to his family in the war-torn country, vowing to continue supporting them.
"Right now, Mom and Dad are having a hard time, so I have to do my best. I’ll work hard, earn lots of money and send it to them," he said.
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